Adoption Options
Adoption is a way for a child to become part of a new family, creating a permanent legal relationship between the adoptive parents and the child. At SHORE Centre we can guide you through the early steps of considering adoption and connect you with the appropriate agencies regarding your decision.
On this page you can learn more about:
• Emotional support before adoption
• Emotional support after placing a child for adoption
• Adoption resources
Choosing a licensed adoption professional (adoption counsellor) is an important first step in the adoption process. When placing a child for adoption you may choose to work with a private adoption licensee or a local Children’s Aid Society. It is illegal in Ontario to offer any sort of financial incentive to birth parents who have placed their child for adoption.
Not all adoptions look the same. Together with your adoption counsellor you will create an adoption plan to suit your needs. Your adoption plan will include choosing what kind of contact (if any) you may want to have with the child after the adoption takes place. This is commonly called an openness agreement. For example, you may want to be able to exchange pictures and letters, have visits with the child, or have no ongoing contact with the child.
Adoption Resources
Public Adoption
During a public adoption birth parents or expectant parents are connected with adoptive families through the help of a Children’s Aid Society. There are no fees for birth parents who would like to place a child for adoption through the public system. Counselling and support is provided to the birth family at no charge.
Next steps if you are considering public adoption:
Private Adoption
During a private adoption, birth parents or expectant parents are connected with a family who would like to adopt a child with the help of an adoption professional. There are no fees for birth parents who would like to place a child for adoption. All fees associated with the adoption process are paid for by the adoptive family. Counselling and support is provided to the birth family at no charge.
Next steps if you are considering private adoption: