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Pregnancy Options

Abortion, Adoption, Parenting

SHORE Centre is here to support all pregnant people in making the decisions that are right for them. We recognize that making sexual health decisions can be very personal and there is no “one size fits all” answer. It is important you have all the information and support you need to make the most well-informed decisions for you.

If you are pregnant, you have options: abortion, adoption, parenting. We offer decision making support sessions tailored to your needs around making a decision.

Some of the things you may want to talk about at this appointment are:
• How you are feeling
• How to make a decision about your pregnancy
• Questions you have about being pregnant
• Having an abortion
• Placing a child for adoption
• Becoming a parent
• Next steps for abortion, adoption, and parenting
• Support you have from family, friends, your community

Our pregnancy decision workbook is available to download and print to help you explore your decision in the privacy of your own home, at your own pace.

SHORE Centre is a pro-choice organization that supports your choices in all situations. We provide safe, confidential, non-directed and non-judgmental information and support for anyone facing an unplanned pregnancy. When visiting SHORE Centre you will meet with a counsellor to discuss all your options and ensure you have accurate, honest and up-to-date information about the pregnancy options available. Read our reviews.

We also provide free pregnancy tests, condoms, dental dams and lubricant. 

Please let us know if you require an interpreter. 

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